Wednesday 10 February 2016

Iran - Tehran - The shining stars and heroines of the Iranian Resistance

The shining stars and heroines of the Iranian Resistance
The shining stars and heroines of the Iranian Resistance
February8th marks the anniversary of  a fate –making event  in the history of the  Iranian people 's quest for freedom.
On February 8, 1982, Khomeini's Revolutionary Guards surrounded and destroyed the headquarters and killed some of the most prominent leading figures of the PMOI. Khomeini –still alive in those days-- thought that by dealing such a heavy blow to the opposition, he could put up a show of force, demoralize the staunch supporters of the movement and break their resistance in prisons and outside.
It was an unequal battle between thousands of heavily armed guards vs. 20 freedom fighters. He thought victory is certain. However, the champions of freedom did not surrender and fought to the last breath, creating an epical scene that strengthened the movement even further.
The women involved in this battle left a brilliant legacy in the history of the Iranian people's struggle for freedom and democracy. Brave women who did not surrender and resisted and fought courageously to the last breath to herald a new world for their fellow compatriots. Today, their resolve and courage has been multiplied in the ranks of the pioneering women in the PMOI who lead the Resistance movement.

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