Tuesday 29 December 2015

Iran - Brave mothers criticize Khomeini in Iran memorial

Brave mothers criticize Khomeini in Iran memorial
Brave mothers criticize Khomeini in Iran memorial
A number of brave Iranian mothers of youths who were martyred in the 2009 nationwide uprising against the mullahs' regime have publicly criticized Khomeini for installing a regime which is murdering Iran's children by the day.
The mothers spoke out at a gathering in Tehran’s Shahriar District last Friday to mark the sixth anniversary of the death of Mostafa Karim-Beigi who was killed by the Iranian regime in the course of the 2009 anti-regime uprisings. Many relatives of martyred opponents of the regime and political prisoners took part in the ceremony.
Ms. Shahin Mahin-Far, whose son Amir Arshad Tajmir was killed in the course of the 2009 uprising, said her heart had been ripped apart by her son's death. The regime's henchmen riding a police vehicle ran over his body three times.
Ms. Fatemeh Golgari, whose son, labor activist Afshin Osanloo, died in mysterious circumstances in prison in Iran on June 20, 2013, said at the gathering: "Now should have been a time for joy among our youths, but instead it's their time to be bured."
"I've got something in my heart which I need to say. Let my dear ones and let even the regime hear this. The day when the Imam [Khomeini] came and sat in a cemetery and said 'they've turned this place into a cemetery but I'll turn it into a garden full of flowers,' we didn't understand what he meant by a garden full of flowers. Now we know, he meant that they will kill our youngsters and bury them, and each time we'll have to go there to law flowers on their graves," Ms. Golgari said.
"I long for the day of freedom, when Iran will be free and blossoming and we can all be friends and good brothers and sisters," she added.

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